We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. -Swami Vivekananda (January 12, 1863 - July 04, 1902; Indian Monk) [ Personal note: Kindly show your support to this blog on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/randomwalablog . ] Let's start! Here is Fun Fact that you may not, or may, know: Bananas naturally grow upside-down, that is, they naturally grow outward from their stems. Image Credit: https://www.superhealthykids.com/ Their bottoms face the sky and as they get bigger, they turn towards the Sun to form the distinctive curve. December 28, 2020 (Monday) :::The number of Corona Cases were as follows: Confirmed - 1,02,07,871 Recovered - 97,82,669 Deceased - 1,47,901 :::Researchers at Oxford University developed an experimental process that has the capability to convert CO2 into jet fuel. Researchers conducted this experiment in a laboratory and converted CO2 into a liquid fuel by heating a citric ac...
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