Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. -Helen Keller (June 27, 1880 - June 01, 1968; American Author) [Do not forget to subscribe and share this blog with everyone you know.] Let's Start! Here is a Fun Fact that you may not, or may, know: Doctors in Greece and Rome used spider webs to make bandages for their patients in the ancient time. It is believed that a spider's web has natural antiseptic & anti-fungal properties that can keep a wound clean & prevent infection. Image Credit: A spider's web is also known to have Vitamin K that helps to promote clotting. March 22, 2021 (Monday) :::The number of Corona Cases were as follows: Confirmed - 1,16,46,081 Recovered - 1,11,51,468 Deceased - 1,59,967 :::The Parliament of Australia debated a motion to condemn the systematic breach of human rights by China. It was related to the ill-treatment of China's Uighur Muslim minority that is said to be co...
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